My blog topics range from recipes, food addiction recovery, eating disorders awareness to lessons I’ve learned from lived experiences. These are uniquely my insights and opinions—not medical advice. Please see your healthcare provider for medical help.
The posts are in chronological order by the dates they were published:
How a Young Woman Rescued Me from Diet Culture
Why I Removed the Transformation Art Exhibit from My Website
What to Do After a Tragic Death
Become Aware of the Words You Use
The Potential Dangers of Diet Culture
Quick and Easy Gluten Free Granola Balls
Eating Disorders and the Church
Eggless High Protein Sandwich Spread
Chocolate-Nut Squares for Any Occasion
Why Diets, Detoxes, and Boot Camps Don’t Work for Many People
Stop the Insanity this Thanksgiving
Food Addiction and Thanksgiving
The Key to Binge Eating Disorder Stability
Who is Aesthetically Beautiful?
How Being a Weight Loss “Success Story” Triggered an Eating Disorder
Covid-19 and the Unfortunate Increase in Eating Disorders
Emily’s Favorite Vegetable Soup
The Powerful Freedom of Abstinence
Keeping Whole Plant Nutrition Nutrient Dense, Simple, Practical, and Cost Effective
Dehydrating Tomatoes Enhances Their Flavors
If You are Struggling with Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Suicidal Thoughts
My Mom’s Most Important Kitchen Utensil
The Secret to Making Great-Tasting Salads
Domestic Abuse and Eating Disorders
The Toxicity of “New Normal” Teaching
Addictive Cravings Just as Powerful as Drug Addiction
Hearty Salads are Perfect for Summer!
It’s Not a Have To; It’s a Get To!
Why I Couldn’t Hold It Together on Mother’s Day
Making Healthy Food Convenient; part 4
Highly Functioning in the Midst of Addiction
“Starved to Obesity” Launches in Two Weeks!
Eradicating the Childhood Obesity Epidemic
Depression and Addiction Go Hand in Hand
Someone Needs to Hear These Words Today
Why Whole Plant Nutrition Doesn’t Work for Everyone
Making Healthy Food Convenient; Part 3
Making Healthy Food Convenient; Part 2