My "Super Immunity Salad" for this week is a head of red cabbage, a head of cauliflower, a head of Bok choy, 2 bunches of parsley, and 2 large onions.
I mix all of the chopped ingredients in a gigantic dishpan—and then divide it into storage containers with lids.
This dishpan belonged to my late mother. She used it for making potato salad (with lots of sugar) and Thanksgiving dressing. I also have many memories of snapping fresh green beans from the garden—using this pan to hold the beans on my lap.
When I'm ready to eat a salad (usually at lunchtime), I simply pull the container of greens and veggies out of the refrigerator, dress it with tomato paste mixed with balsamic vinegar; add some ground flax seeds, turmeric, beans, and berries. . . and viola, I've created a meal that nourishes and strengthens my immune system!
(I change the veggies from week to week, but I always include micronutrient-rich greens, cruciferous veggies, and onions. I also select a variety of fruit; including berries that are rich in antioxidants.)
For dinner, I steam-sautee onions, garlic, mushrooms, and a variety of veggies for an additional boost.
Food freedom for life: keeping it simple, high-nutrient, and cost effective.
Emily Boller, artist, mother, and author of Starved to Obesity, lost 100 pounds more than twelve years ago by eating an abundance of high-nutrient, plant-rich food. Today, she’s certified in whole plant food nutrition from the Nutritarian Education Institute. She’s on a mission to combine practical, no-nonsense and cost effective tips—with easy to understand science—in order to help anyone escape the addictive grip of the Standard American Diet.