Did you know that kale scores the highest in nutrient density? (collards and watercress do too)
If you want to prevent the buildup of plaque in your arteries, boost your immune system, and continually prevent or kill any cancer cells in your body—eat kale! (Actually, all the cruciferous veggies do that; not to mention green veggies have about twice as much protein as steak!)
And, if you eat a plant based fat with them such as avocados, nuts, or seeds, it increases the absorption of their nutrients by ten times!!
Easy tip: Steam a bunch of kale for a meal, then refrigerate the leftovers for wonderful cold “salads” later on. Steaming removes their bitter taste. If you eat raw kale in salads, make sure you marinate the leaves in an acid-based dressing to remove the bitterness (lemons, balsamic vinegar). Or just blend them with fruit for a green smoothie.
Today, I dressed my cold, steamed kale with finely diced red onions, mustard, balsamic vinegar, and chopped walnuts. Sometimes, I add nutritional yeast for a savory-cheesy flavor. Other times, I use avocados and lemons.
The sky is the limit for creativity!
Your body is a canvas. The food you eat is the paint. You have the power to destroy—or to give life—by the foods you choose.
Make a work of art today!
It's not a "have to". . .it's a "get to!!!!"
Emily Boller, artist, mother, and author of Starved to Obesity, lost 100 pounds more than twelve years ago by eating an abundance of high-nutrient, plant-rich food. Today, she’s certified in whole plant food nutrition from the Nutritarian Education Institute. She’s on a mission to combine practical, no-nonsense and cost effective tips—with easy to understand science—in order to help anyone escape the addictive grip of the Standard American Diet.