Arise and Shine; Copyright by Emily Boller

Arise and Shine; Copyright by Emily Boller

Emily Boller is a wife, mother, artist, and author of Starved to Obesity.

Reared on the same farm in Indiana that her pioneering ancestors homesteaded in the mid-1800s, she talked her dad into painting a covered wagon scene on one of the sheds. That endeavor launched a wall mural business throughout her high school and college years. While majoring in Fine Art (painting/printmaking) at Purdue University, under the instruction of the late Professor Emeritus of Painting, Al Pounders, she found her voice in expressive painting. Today, her studio is not far from her rural roots and gets much inspiration from the nature that surrounds her.

She’s also on a mission to bring awareness to the suffocating and potentially deadly trap of diet culture and eating disorders—and to bring understanding and compassion to those suffering in silence.

In her free time, she loves to grow flowers and vegetables. . .and can homemade soups.


“Emily Boller gave outstanding presentations at McLean Hospital. Both patients and staff were shocked to see what a true understanding of nutrition really does to save lives, transform bodies, heal diseases. For days afterward, patients and staff clearly were thinking about the presentation and Emily’s story.’ ”

— Jeffrey D. Rediger, MD, MDiv, Faculty, Harvard Medical School, Medical Director of Adult Psychiatric and Community Programs at McLean Southeast--Affiliate of Harvard Medical School


“Emily Boller’s writings and presentations are engaging, authentic, and applicable for today’s culture.”

— Ken Hood, Wellness Director, James River Church, Springfield, MO


 Championing freedom from food addiction and diet culture

—keeping it simple, sensible, sustainable—